2000 in 12 hours: Push-Up Challenge!

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I sure hope you’re having a brilliant fitness day! It doesn’t get any better than that!

I want you to remember this one thing while you continue on your fitness journey. Never give up on your dreams, aims and goals, no matter how impossible they seem. You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Weight loss and muscle gain are just a tiny bit of what your body and your mind can achieve when channeled positively.

The only thing that can limit or hinder you is your own mind. Whether you think you can or you can’t, you are right. Your push the limits of your mind and body far beyond the “ordinary.” Shun mediocrity. Never settle for less. Dare to do the unthinkable!

It is my earnest desire that I am able to inspire and guide as many individuals as I can to achieve their weight loss and muscle gaingoals. Let me in on your fitness journey.

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