How to Get Rid of Man Boobs

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

Hey there, determined reader! The question of today’s blog post is going to answer is “How do I get rid of man boobs?” Now, this is something that a lot of men struggle with.

The two things that could be wrong if you’re facing this challenge of “man boobs” are your training style and your diet.

For starters, let’s deal with what could be wrong with your training method, and then we will discuss the best diet for you.

Effective Chest Training

Firstly, while trying to lose the fat in the lower part of the chest, you need to stop doing heavy lifting with long rest periods. Don’t bench for 5 reps and rest for 3-5 minutes, for instance.This puts too much stress on your mid and lower chest. Anotherthing is that you need to stop doing the usual cardio (LISS). You need to start doing high intensity interval training (HITT).

You must focus on exercising your upper chest. You should do more reps (like 10-15) with shorter rest periods (like 30 seconds). I outline a few workouts that you can do two times a week to achieve this.

1. Pec Deck Machine Flies: Use a training method called FST 7 while doing these. In this technique, you do slower reps on both eccentric and concentric muscle contractions. Go for 8-12 reps with a rest period of 30 seconds for a total of 7 sets.

2. Dumbbell Incline Press-ups: Set two dumbbells together onyour chest while lying on an incline bench. Push them up together, hands full-length, and then bring them down towards your upper chest. Do 3-5 sets, 10-12 reps. The moment you place the two dumbbells on your chest, you’ll feel every muscle fiber in your upper- and mid-chest screaming.

3. Isometric Chest Squeeze at an Incline: I recommend that you use a 10 lb plate for this exercise. Place both palms where the hole is on the plate. Then, pretend you’re trying to crush the plate with both hands, squeezing hard with your pectoral muscles. While doing this, starting at the center of your chest, move the plate up and outward, then bring it back to center of the chest for a repetition count of 1. Repeat 8-12 reps by 4 sets.

4. Dumbbell Pullovers: I consider this the best chest exercise you can do aside dips. Follow the pictorial description below and do 8-12 reps by 4 sets.

Twice to thrice a week is great for HIIT cardio, 30 seconds on, 60 seconds off. You can do sprints, biking, ARC, jumping rope, and so on. I strongly recommend because as a high compound exercise, sprinting increases testosterone in males by liberatingfree testosterone from the scrotum. 

The Anti-Estrogen Diet

Estrogen is a major factor contributing to man boobs. The body of a man responds to excessive estrogen by developing female features, one of these being man boobs. What you want is increased testosterone levels and less estrogen.

The good news is that you can reduce estrogen levels by simply eliminating certain foods from your diet and including some others.

Foods to remove:

In order to reduce estrogen levels, there are three major foods that you must eliminate from your daily diet. This is because they contain a lot of estrogen, and so are counterproductive to the physique you want. These three foods are: 1. Non-organic dairy; 2. Soy (especially processed soy); and 3. Refined sugar

Foods to include:

You must include cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, kale etc.) in your daily diet. These foods contain indole-3 carbondale, which has been proven to reduce estrogen levels in the body. Consume 2-3 servings of vegetables a day alongside lean proteins. It’s best you eat them raw for maximum benefits, but preparing them any other way you like is also great. 

The two best drinks to help you burn chest fat are:

1. Organic Apple Cider Vinegar: Take two teaspoons in a glass of water thrice a day. It will help lower your insulin levels, boost your energy, and detoxify your body. Low insulin levels for extended periods (12-18 hours) is ideal for fat loss. (High insulin levels result in fat gain.)

2. Matcha Green Tea: This is actually one of the world’s healthiest drinks that can help boost your metabolism, which helps you burning fat. It contains an antioxidant known as EG-CB, which helps increase your metabolic rate and detoxify your body. Take 2-3 cups a day.

Well, you now have all the information to help you get rid of man boobs, start building muscle, and maintain increased testosterone levels, and I trust you’ll put it to good use. Keeping working on your goals and stay fit!

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