Leg Day Part One: Heavy
Hey what is up everyone… It’s another day in 2019 and today I have a heavy leg day for you. Just recently, I switched up the way I’ve been training.…
Hey what is up everyone… It’s another day in 2019 and today I have a heavy leg day for you. Just recently, I switched up the way I’ve been training.…
A lot of people have a New Years Resolutions with the idea in mind that this year will be different. For some of you, that’s exactly what will happen in…
I’m here again, my awesome reader, with another special blog post for you! People frequently ask me what the best way to get rid of love handles, back fat or muffin top is. Well, it’s…
Hello, resolute reader! In today’s blog post, I have organized the best push and pull workouts that you can do over the course of four days. (Make sure to check my other blog posts if you’re trying…
Hi there, devoted reader? I’m here to discuss another fitness secret. It pertains building muscle. I’ll be touching on what and how you should eat, how you should train, and how you can put on muscle mass, in general. The Caloric Surplus The term…
Hey there, determined reader! The question of today’s blog post is going to answer is “How do I get rid of man boobs?” Now, this is something that a lot of men struggle with.…
My passionate reader, today I have another unique technique for achieving major fat loss – intermittent fasting. You may have heard someone talk about the amazing fat loss effectsof intermittent fasting. Perhaps you’ve also seen people lose severalpounds using this fat loss method. But what…
Hello again, resolute reader! I want to answer a question I received today. It reads: “Hello, Ryan. How’re you doing? I was wondering if you could give me some effective diet tips. I do 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups,…
Is the “myth” about Apple Cider Vinegar and fat loss true? Here is a summary of what Doctor Eric Berg, who is an expert on this subject matter, had to say about it! Just read on…
Amazing reader, today I have some exceptional chest workouts for those willing to get adventurous while losing fat and building those muscles. Check them out! Warm-up: Push-ups: 10-15 repsDips: 1-15 reps Superset both these exercises for a total of 3-5 sets. Loosen up. Do…