Best Push and Pull Workouts

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Hello, resolute reader! In today’s blog post, I have organized the best push and pull workouts that you can do over the course of four days.

(Make sure to check my other blog posts if you’re trying to lose weight or build muscle. I’ve put some rich stuff right there to help you on your fitness journey!) The link is:

Now, action!

Day 1: PUSH DAY!

Push day comprises exercises aimed at working your pectoral muscles, front and side deltoids, and triceps. The term “push” isbecause the motion of your joints is in the same direction as a “push.” Below are the best exercises I’d like you to integrate intoyour push day:

1. Dumbbell inclined press: 3 sets, 10 reps

2. Flat bench heavy: 3 sets, 5-8 reps

3. Dips (Use assistant pad if needed): 3 sets, 10 reps

4. Dumbbell Arnold press: 2 sets, 12 reps

5. Dumbbell shoulder press: 2 sets, 12 reps

6. Lateral side delt raises: 2 drop sets, each 10 reps, dropping only once (Example: 10lbs to 5lbs, no rest)

7. Triceps push downs: 3 sets, 10 reps

8. One arm overhead triceps extension with rope: 2 sets, 15 reps each

9. NICE ABS!!!

Day 2: PULL DAY!

Pull day comprises exercises aimed at working your upper and lower back muscles, latissimus dorsi muscles, trapezius muscles, rest deltoid muscles, and biceps. The term “pull” is because your joints move in the same direction as a “pulling” motion. Below are the best exercises I’d like you to integrate into your pull day:

1. Sumo deadlift: 3 sets, 5-8 reps

2. Wide grip lat pull-downs: 3 sets, 10-12 reps

3. V-bar rows: 3 sets, 8-12 reps

4. Straight arm lat pull-downs: 3 sets, 20 reps, slow

5. Rear delt flies: 2 drop sets

6. Face pulls: 3 sets, 15 reps

7. EZ bar wide grip super set with close grip: 3 sets, 10 reps

8. Hammer curls: 2 sets, 15 reps, each arm

9. Hyper extensions: 2 sets, 15-30 reps

10. NICE ABS!!!

Day 3: LEG DAY!

Leg day comprises exercises aimed at working your gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and soleus muscles. It’s “leg day” because every exercise incorporates a leg muscle. Below are the best exercises I’d like you to integrate intoyour leg day:

1. Squats heavy: 3 sets, 5-8 reps

2. Toe rises on smith machine: 3 sets, 15 reps (Super set with body weight toe risers, 30-50 reps)

3. Stiff leg deadlifts: 3 sets, 8-10 reps (Don’t let it touch the bottom/floor)

4. Leg press machine: 3 sets, 10 reps (High and wide foot placement)

5. Calf press: 3 sets, 12 reps (Super set with body weight toe risers, 30-50 reps)

6. Quad extensions: 3 sets, 12 reps, each leg

7. Hamstring curls: 3 sets, 12 reps

8. Barbell hip thrust: 3 sets, 15 reps

9. Single leg glute cable extensions

10. NICE ABS!!!

Day 4: REST!

Rest is beyond necessary! These push and pull workouts are high level exercises that exert your body. In order to regain your strength and tend any injuries, Day 4 is a very important day.

For now, keep pushing for your goals. A single hour of your 24-hourday is worth the sacrifice! If you want to lose weight or build muscle, keep at it and reap the massive benefits of persistence. 

Do remember to share this post and subscribe for more awesome fitness info.

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