I’m here again, my awesome reader, with another special blog post for you! People frequently ask me what the best way to get rid of love handles, back fat or muffin top is. Well, it’s about time I made that information public! This post will give you all the information you need to burn fat and achieve your dream physique.
I have broken it down into five steps that you’ll need to take to make it happen. Take a look!
Step 1: Insulin
Insulin is the one hormone responsible for both fat gain and fat loss. You gain more fat based on how much more insulin you secrete. This brings us to the issues of “insulin-resistance” and “insulin-sensitivity.” Insulin-resistance will make your body secrete moreinsulin so that your cells can appropriately absorb the nutrients you consume. Insulin-sensitivity, on the other hand, means that yourbody requires less insulin to absorb the nutrients you consume.
“How do I become insulin-sensitive?” you may ask. But, you probably already know what the answer is. Yes, your diet is everything!
Firstly, you need to quit snacking between meals. You should eat only two to three times daily with nothing in–between. This way, you don’t keep secreting insulin unnecessarily, and your insulin levels stay healthy. Intermittent fasting is another great technique that I highly recommend.
Secondly, you have to deal with sugar. You’ll have to delete sugars from your diet, particularly those hidden in processed foods like bread, pasta, cereal, crackers, biscuits, waffles, pancakes, muffins, sodas, juices, yogurt, milk, and alcohol. These are all simply counterproductive, I can assure you.
And, yes, you guessed right. You’ll have to up your veggie game. Greens are very key to lowering your insulin levels. Most people go on a high protein diet alright, but they completely neglect the veggies. Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients like potassium that lower the body’s insulin requirement.
Step 2: Cortisol
Cortisol is the stress hormone. The interesting thing is that insulin is also released whenever cortisol is secreted. And so, obviously, the key is not to get stressed, but it’s easier said than done.
Exercise is one way to release accumulated stress and lowercortisol levels, thus, also lowering insulin levels. This is one way exercise helps us burn fat.
Additionally, you want to avoid people that you can’t tolerate. Staying around such people will stress you out and, increasing your cortisol and insulin levels simultaneously.
As a bonus, why don’t you avoid watching the news frequently too? It should also help.
Lastly, you have to be intentional about your nutrition, especially your vitamin B1 and vitamin K. Grains, processed sugars, as well as stress deplete your reserves of vitamin B1. In stressful situations, vitamin B1 is released calm you, and, thus, increase your tolerance for such situations. Nutrition yeast is the best way to stock up onvitamin B1. A teaspoon a day will leave you feeling a dramatic difference in your current physiological state within just minutes of taking it. Vitamin K, also known as potassium, is another physiological tranquilizer, just like calcium, that most people are highly deficient in.
Step 3: HIIT
High intensity interval training (HIIT) is highly effective! You’llburn more calories with HIIT than any other training method. Two to three times a week, 30 seconds on, 60 seconds off, is good. It could be sprints, biking, ARC, jumping rope, etc. Irecommend sprints as the best option because, as a high compound exercise, sprints spike testosterone in men by releasing free testosterone from the scrotum.
“Why does HIIT burn more calories?” you may ask. It is because HIIT places your body in a state known as “oxygen debt,” due to the amount of stress that it exerts on your nervous and muscular systems. Your body will need the next 36 hours to repair the damage. Your metabolism will rise, and you’ll burn fat while sitting down and doing nothing! Now, isn’t that awesome?
Step 4: Weight Training/Intensity Techniques
Weight training is another super effective technique if you want to lose your love handles, as lifting weights and constantly workingyour muscles also gets your body into oxygen debt. And like we’ve established, you will burn more calories for roughly the next 36 hours. I suggest you weight-train at least thrice a week.
Click the link below for a free three-day workout plan.