My passionate reader, today I have another unique technique for achieving major fat loss – intermittent fasting.
You may have heard someone talk about the amazing fat loss effectsof intermittent fasting. Perhaps you’ve also seen people lose severalpounds using this fat loss method. But what is it, really?
Let’s explain intermittent fasting. Firstly, you completely skip your breakfast. Then, you eat within your designated eating window. Outside of it, you don’t.
There’s more to it, however. To grasp the concept, first know that insulin is the one hormone in control of both fat loss and fat gain.
When you don’t eat for up to 16 hours, your body moves from usingglucagon to making use of ketones produced by the breaking down of our fat cells. Breaking down our fat cells to produce energy is exactly what we need. After protracted periods without any rise in insulin levels, the body goes into the state known as ketosis, in which state it uses fat for energy.
It’s also a proven fact that not eating for long periods will cause your stomach to shrink and become smaller, and so you’ll feel less hungry the next time you eat.
Your last meal determines how long the fat-burning will go on in your body. A high-carbohydrate meal will make your body take10-12 hours to get into that fat–burning state. If your last meal was a ketogenic, with high fats and moderate protein, it’ll only take 6-8 hours! And so, your body will burn fat for 8-10 hours! Just how awesome is that?! All this without any exercise!
The benefits of intermittent fasting are boundless! Here are some more:
1. You become insulin-sensitive and lower insulin–resistance, insulin being the major factor for fat gain.
2. Your growth hormone is boosted by skipping breakfast. Consuming calories spikes your insulin levels. When this happens, your growth hormone is inhibited. Growth hormone is normally at its peak during a fast. Skipping food for 4-6 hours, gets you extra muscle growth and repair time.
3. You boost your testosterone! In men, testosterone acts just like growth hormone, tending to slow down when we eat early on.
4. It’ll rest and preserve your digestive system. Eating often constantly running works this system that shouldn’t always be on.
5. It helps prevent type II diabetes, decrease oxidative stress and lower inflammation, improve heart health, induce various cellular repair processes, prevent cancer, improve brain function, prevent Alzheimer’s and lengthen your life span!
I encourage you to try intermittent fasting as you journey to your fitness goals, and reap the numerous benefits!